Baroque viola

Alexandre Garnier

Alexandre Garnier
Alexandre Garnier

Alexandre Garnier has been particularly attracted to Baroque music since the age of 17, when he began studying with Alice Piérot at the Conservatoire d’Aix-en-Provence. In 2015, he joined Florence Stroesser’s class in Grenoble, alongside his engineering studies. He is passionate about researching historical sound, through literary and iconographic sources.

In 2018, eager to learn more about French music, he joined Patrick Cohen-Akenine’s class in Versailles and played under the direction of Olivier Schneebeli for the Centre de Musique Baroque de Versailles. It was also at this time that he began playing the viola.

In 2021, he joins Benjamin Chénier’s class at the Paris Conservatoire, where he perfects the practice of both instruments. He takes part in classical and romantic sessions at the Abbaye aux Dames, notably under the direction of Hervé Niquet and Julien Chauvin.

In 2022, Alexandre Garnier was selected to participate in the Jeune Orchestre Baroque Européen under the direction of Sylvain Sartre. He also collaborates with ensembles of various sizes, including Le Concert Spirituel, Ensemble Matheus and La Main Harmonique, and founds the Saint Georges Consort with baryton Samuel Guibal.

Alexandre Garnier's appearances during the Prangins Baroque Festival include:
@daphne #iloveyou/ @apollon #meneither (2023)
Les Jardins d'Illusions (2023)

This summary was written during her/his last engagement with Prangins Baroque and certainly no longer reflects her/his current career. For current information on her/his career, please see these official pages:

  • Municipality of Prangins
  • la Mobilière
  • Château de Prangins - Swiss National Museum
  • Denogent
  • Fondation Goblet